Graduation Information
Student Resources

Graduation Information

2023 Commencement Ceremony

Friday, May 12, 2023, 3:00 p.m.

Click here to complete your graduation survey now!

Applying to Graduate

所有学生,无论专业如何,都必须通过det365手机版官网申请毕业 Self Service.  毕业申请只在你即将完成课程的学期内接受(尽管夏季学生可以在春季学期申请)。.  Applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the stated deadline.

If graduating at the end of the Fall term, 毕业申请截止日期为9月15日.

If graduating at the end of the Spring or Summer term, 毕业申请截止日期为2月15日.

In accordance with state and federal policy, 学生只能在给定的学期(1)内从课程的最高级别状态毕业.e. An Associate in Arts student will only be awarded the A.A. degree, but not both the A.A. and Core Diploma in Arts. He or she may, however, receive both an A.A. and A.S. degree in a given semester.).

Cap & Gown Orders

要参加毕业典礼,学生必须购买帽子、长袍和流苏. These are available for ordering through the det365手机版官网 Bookstore. The cost of cap and gowns is usually approximately $45, including tax. 有严重经济困难的学生可能无法购买毕业帽和礼服参加毕业典礼,他们应该到注册办公室了解更多信息.

Graduation Ceremony

学院每学年5月为所有毕业生举行一次毕业典礼. Summer graduates are permitted to participate in graduation, 前提是他们注册了完成项目所需的最后课程。.

毕业典礼并不是你从学校毕业的证明, 因为你的最终成绩和毕业准备情况仍然需要评估, 所有未偿还的债务必须在你被指定为就业和教育目的的学院“毕业生”之前解决.

Graduation Honors

det365手机版官网 bestows upon graduates a series of graduation honors, 表彰学术成就和参加某些学生组织或校园活动的成员.
学术成就:从副学士或文凭课程毕业的学生有资格获得以下毕业荣誉, 根据他/她在秋季学期结束时的累积课程GPA:

Associate Degree Graduates’ Honors:  校长奖每年颁发给一名累积GPA最高的副学士毕业生. In the event of a tie, 在学院完成的学时数和学习计划用于确定接受者. 这个人在毕业典礼上被认可,并被授予纪念品以表彰他/她的成就.

  • Summa Cum Laude or “with highest honors”:  A student graduating with a cumulative GPA of a 3.90 or higher in his/her program of study
  • Magna Cum Laude or “with high honors”:  A student graduating with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 to 3.89 in his/her program of study
  • Cum Laude or “with honors“: A student graduating with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 to 3.74 in his/her program of study
  • Honor Graduate从文凭课程毕业的学生,累积平均分为3分.50 or higher in his/her program of study

上述荣誉在毕业计划和学生的证书上都有注明. 参加毕业典礼的学员还会获得一根金色荣誉绳,与他们的徽章一起佩戴, 无论他/她是否以“荣誉”完成了一个以上的学习项目.”

Other Distinctions:  对于选择参加毕业典礼并参加以下学生组织或校园活动的学生,将提供荣誉绳或奖品(学生免费):

  • Brunswick County Early College
  • National Technical Honor Society
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • Student Government Association
  • Varsity Athletics
  • Veteran

Note: 学生不应向学院的帽袍供应商订购绳带和其他物品(个人纪念品除外)。. 为确保统一,毕业生只允许佩戴学院颁发的荣誉带和绶带.

Students who do not wish to participate in the graduation ceremony, 或希望获得副本的声带展示的目的,可在毕业典礼后这样做,费用.

GED®/Adult High School Diploma Students

To participate in the graduation ceremony, 您还需要在订购日期购买一顶帽子和长袍. 但是,你不需要向注册主任办公室提交毕业申请. Please contact Foundational Studies at 910.755.7386 for more information on how to apply.

Graduation Information

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